SODIMAS training

Your safety, your comfort and your satisfaction are what is most important to us.
SODIMAS offers you training courses that will provide you with the technical and methodological knowledge you need to be as efficient as you can.


Depuis 2019, Sodimas est organisme de formation datadocké.

Sodimas est un organisme de formation domicilié 11 rue Ampère, 26600 Pont de L’Isère.
La déclaration d'activité est enregistrée sous le numéro 84 26 02817 26 auprès du Préfet de la région Rhône Alpes.
Cet enregistrement ne vaut pas agrément de l’état.
Sodimas organise au profit des salariés, une action de formation de type 1 : adaptation au poste et maintien dans l’emploi, suivant l’intitulé des programmes contenu dans le catalogue.

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Electrical training

The main board is the most important part of the lift, a proper understanding of how it operates will render it easier to use and help to reduce maintenance time. Our modules help your technicians to better interact with the main boards and our range of displays, keeping them up to date and using the built-in troubleshooting tools. During these training sessions, we spend time with your technicians to help them find their way around the menu displays, programming information, clear/consult the fault history and carry out all the basic operations for the commissioning of the controller and its peripherals.

Mechanical training

Proper installation and maintenance are essential to ensure that your lift operates successfully over time. Our modules allow your technicians to learn how to install parts, to anticipate the different tools needed for installation and maintenance, to deal with the after-sales process and to practice the operations specific to our equipment such as belt tensioning, encoder replacement, brake adjustments, etc...